2018 Election
Rainbow District School Board
Area 3: Sudbury Wards 5,6
Number of Available Seats: 1Area 2: Sudbury Wards 3 & 4 and the Unorganized Townships of Cartier, Cascaden, Foy, Hart, Harty, Hess, Moncrieff, Shining Tree and Trill
Number of Available Seats: 1-
Gordon James EWIN
Area 5: Sudbury Wards 9,10
Number of Available Seats: 1-
Area 1: Sudbury Wards 1,2
Number of Available Seats: 1-
Kerrie ST. JEANElected
Area 8: Espanola
Number of Available Seats: 1-
Daphne ALLEN
Area 4: Sudbury Wards 7 & 8 and the Municipalities of French River, Killarney, Markstay-Warren, St. Charles, and the Unorganized Townships of Burwash, Cox, Davis, Eden, Hawley, Hendrie, Henry, Janes, Laura, Loughrin, Secord, Servos, Street and Tilton
Number of Available Seats: 1-
Dena MORRISONElectedAbout Me:
I am seeking re-election as Trustee, Area 4 for the Rainbow District School Board. The area encompasses Wards 7 & 8 City of Greater Sudbury, French River, Markstay-Warren, St. Charles, Killarney and unorganized …townships. It has been my great honour to represent this area on the English Public School Board since I moved back home to Sudbury. It is where I grew up and where not only I but also my family attended Rainbow schools. I am a staunch advocate for a strong, inclusive public education system. I am currently serving as Vice-Chair of the Board, Chair of Strategic Planning Committee, Chair of Audit Committee, Chair of Labour Relations Committee, member of School Year Structure Committee, alternate for Special Education Advisory Committee, and a member of the Supervised Alternative Learning Committee and the Discipline Committee as required. I have served on every Board committee and have chaired most during my tenure. I am deeply passionate about education and public service. I began my professional career as a Student Employment Officer, and then became an Employment Counsellor, then supervisor, then office Manager. I went on to do community/labour market development work in communities across Northern Ontario - including many First Nations communities in Northwestern Ontario. I left Sudbury due to promotion, to work at our Regional office in Toronto and had a variety of senior responsibilities including Regional Manager for Labour Market Programs, Intergovernmental Affairs, Government-to-Government Purchase of Training (budget over 1.0B), Regional Manager Learning and Development. I spent many years negotiating with my counterparts in the then Ministry of Education and Training. During this time, I spent one year working at National Headquarters in Ottawa/Hull leading a national study on Overlap and Duplication of Federal/Provincial programs. I returned to Sudbury to be closer to my family and my roots. I learned the importance of public service and contributing to the community from my parents. After retiring from the public service, my Mom went on to be elected twice as Councillor for Nickel Centre. She set a great example. It would be my honour to continue to serve. I respectfully ask for your support and your vote!
I can be reached by phone (705) 560-8294, by e-mail denamorrisontrustee@gmail.comor via Facebook at either my Re-Elect Dena Morrison Trustee Rainbow District School Board pageor my personal page at www.facebook.com/dena.morrison3.
Thanks for your interest and consideration. More
Area 6: Sudbury Wards 11,12
Number of Available Seats: 1-
Michael GRAHAM
Area 7: Manitoulin
Number of Available Seats: 1-
Margaret STRINGERElected
First Nations Trustee
Chief Linda DEBASSIGEAppointed